Reaching every tongue, tribe and nation
Europe & the Mediterranean
We are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group — in our generation.
Latin America
Helping the least-reached people groups across Latin America meet, know and follow Jesus
North America
Helping the least reached people groups across North America meet, know and follow Jesus
As we anticipate the second coming of Jesus, many in the world haven’t heard of his first coming. So together we are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group—in our generation. While we want all people to know Jesus, we focus on the least-reached peoples of the world. We equip churches and leaders to create movements that impact individuals,
communities and regions through the power of the gospel. With this focus, people who have never heard the name of Jesus will have the chance to hear and accept the good news.
nations 爆料网 missionaries serve
爆料网 missionaries serving around the world